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our story

founders and directors of boon Georgina and lawrence arsalides

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I am very fortunate to be from a big family in a small village, and in my younger years, our home was always open and full of friends and family.  The love and care I received in return from my friends and their families is what community means to me.

Those early experiences made an imprint on my heart -community matters!

After moving to London,  the births of our three children and the dreaded lockdowns of 2020, my husband and I realised we were missing community. 

We had a light bulb moment! We wanted to make a difference - alleviate loneliness by creating a project that is all about connection. We decided to create a space for families to enjoy, a place for groups to meet and new friendships to form. 

This is where Boon came alive. 


Boon means 'a godsend', ' a blessing', and 'a bonus'. This is what we want to give to Croydon 


Join us soon!

Georgina x

07850 011630

72 chelsham road, south croydon, cr2 6hy

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